View Full Version : The US needs Baghdad Bob!

07-24-2003, 12:46 AM
Propaganda makes the world go round. Apparently many common folks in Iraqi are paranoid about various supposed actions of the US, conspiracy theories abound, rumors are everywhere etc (heard this on NPR radio tonight). Anyway, since the bobble-headed Americas are having problems "wining the Iraqi people", I think we need Baghdad Bob Back. We simply censor his ranting to make sure it conforms to US policy and set him loose. Everyone loves this guy. He could rally the people, settle things down to a semi-chaotic state, and spirit the people on the road to democracy. He is a genius and I think it is bad policy not to use this man if he is available. Has he been caught yet? Was he killed? Is he still in hiding? I really do not know what’s going on; I don't watch the news, its too idiotic.

-Zeno /forums/images/icons/grin.gif

07-24-2003, 11:04 AM
He is priceless;-)

All we would need to do is assure him immunity and pay him 20x his previous Iraqi salary to make announcements regarding the "New Iraq." He could also be apprised that after Iraq gets settled down and well on its way to a better future, he would likely have a star-bright career awaiting him in Hollywood and would probably become quite rich within a few years.