View Full Version : I want to save 1 image to X image files with different names.

Jeff W
12-19-2005, 03:36 PM
I know this is kind of a strange question, but I'm hoping someone can help me out:

I want to save 1 image to X image files with different names and I have the list of names in a comma separated form: A.bmp, B.bmp, C.bmp, etc

I can change the list to a different form through liberal of grep if necessary. i.e. I can get it into the form "A.bmp" "B.bmp"...etc

I need to do this twice. Once for a bitmap and once for a jpeg.


12-19-2005, 04:16 PM
try this

awk '{split($0,names,","); for (i in names){printf "cp image.bmp %s;\n", names[ i ]}}' < names.txt

edit: the ubb code is screwing it up -- the "names[ i ]" part you need to take out the spaces