View Full Version : technical problem with number-of-replies-viewed feature

nicky g
07-18-2003, 12:29 PM
For some reason, when I view a forum here, it has stopped remembering whaich replies I've already seen in a thread - so if there are 8 replies, I always am told there are 8 replies I haven't seen (so it reads relies: 8(8) ), regardless of whether I've read none, some or all of the thread. It's a bit annoying, as it means I have to go in to a thread to see if anyone's added anything new. I'd assume this was some sort of cookie-enabling problem on my computer but it's happening on both my home and work PCs, and also when I use an internet cafe. Is anyone else having similar problems? This is relatively recent, although previously it occasionally used to think I'd viewed threads that I hadn't.

07-18-2003, 06:04 PM
Everything is working fine here.

07-19-2003, 01:45 PM
It's happening to me too. Oh well.