View Full Version : Pot odds/EV/Odds in general?

07-17-2003, 12:23 PM
I've read Theory of Poker, and i've also read Holdem for advanced. I was just curious though if anyone knew of a way I could practice Pot Odds easily, besides while playing? while playing, I can't do it fast enough in my head yet, and when i try i hold up the game for awhile.. Does anyone have any problems they can PM me or email me that I can sit down and try to do?

I want to get to the point where I can sit down and calculate them on the spot... That way i can effectively apply them to my poker playing...

07-17-2003, 12:27 PM
instead of using dollar amounts, just count BBs. especially if playing a game like 6/12 instead of 20/40.

Each bet and raise preflop and on the flop is 1/2BB. Turn and River is 1 BB. Go from there.

07-17-2003, 12:33 PM
I reread your post, and realized you were asking for actual pot odds, like what are the pot odds for drawing to a flush when there's a bet to you and there's 5 bets in the pot. Sorry for the hasty and probably useless reply.

For me, it took just hard practice. Openended straight draws are 8 outs out of 47 after you see the flop. About 5:1. (that's for the turn only). Flush draws are slightly better, being that you have 9 outs. Blah blah blah, you can go forever. But these are the most common.

I think there's no quick easy to learn way. If there is, I'd like to know.