View Full Version : Sexless Liberal

07-16-2003, 07:25 PM
The label is a tease, sort of. Anyway, I have heard on radio, and now seen on TV, a Goddess of Good called Amy Goodman.

I have personally dubbed her "The Sexless Wonder of TV and Radio”. I like her Democracy Now! Program. The TV studio set is so workman like and dutiful that I lurch from my chair laughing every time I see it. I think she practices righteous indignation in front of the mirror every morning. I think she also does the talk/lecture circuit beating the drum of good and exposing the evil of everything ever done by anybody with a brain and the scruples to use it. Now of course the previous sentence is a bit overblown but I like the sound of it so I will leave it in. Howl in rage all you want.

Image the world if people like Amy Goodman, Goddess of Good, and Pope Chomsky ran the show. Both these Sexless Wonders would create a world that no sane or thinking individual would want to live in. Just image those two having sex and you can see how pathetic the planet would become.

This says it all, methinks.


-Zeno: Voting exclusively Repubican in all elections from now until 2010.

07-16-2003, 07:46 PM
It doesn't matter how you vote. It matters how they are counted.

By 2010 the national debt will exceed 10 trillion dollars.

The Republicans are going to pass a new bankruptcy law in which only those that have assets in excess of 1 million dollars can declare bankruptcy. The policies of tax the middle class and spend are destroying this country.

Any one below 1 million in assets will get to freely volunteer their labor at the prison camps. They will be declared subversives under Patriot Act II for failure to
praise King George II.

07-16-2003, 07:48 PM
Ummm... How can her show be any worse than Fox News?

I listen to her show every once in a blue moon. I like it. She focuses her telescope on a different part of our ongoing history than what you find in the mainstream media. She also takes an depth look at particular issues and is not obnoxious or rude to her guests. When she asks a question she gives the interviewee a chance to answer. Her show does not have any direct corporate sponsors. She is an unabashed liberal. Since you, presumably, are capable of independant analysis, I don't see why that should scare you.

You might be correct about the sexless part. I've never considered what it would be like to screw her.

07-16-2003, 08:27 PM
She does not scare me. Her show is informative in the "liberal agenda view" of everything and I enjoy the propaganda she spews out. Your analysis of her show is fair and the show is almost the opposite of Fox News, which I usually do not watch. I detest the shouting, background musical drumbeat, and overblown nature to the format at Fox.

But all the above is much too serious. So I must stop before I say more.
