View Full Version : An SNG multitabling tip.

12-09-2005, 09:40 PM
When I play, I almost always play 10 tables. Sometimes I even shop lines and get bets down while I play. All of this activity doesn't always leave a lot of time to make tough decisions in hands, especially when a lot of the tournaments are in late stages. To remedy this, I've developed a general rule when faced with a tough decision. If I'm not sure what to do, I lean towards putting my chips in when I am the bettor or raiser and not putting them in when I'm the caller. Furthermore, I lean towards not putting my chips in during the early levels and putting them in late. This may have somewhat led to what I now believe was a flop error with my A2. Overall, though, I think it leaves more time to make sure that the correct decisions are made in situations which are not close. I'm not sure how well explained that was, but I've read a couple posts about people struggling to add tables and this idea seems to work for me.


12-09-2005, 11:11 PM