View Full Version : American Isolationism Anyone?

12-09-2005, 04:45 AM
Isolationism used to be so big in America...in a lot of ways it is our roots. America could do a lot to make peace around the world... by not deploying troops. America could do a lot to end world hunger... by not pushing poorer nations away from agriculture. But these aren't the real reasons... the real reasons are that America could do a lot for Itself by being more Isolationist. America could greatly improve the quality of life of its citizens by devoting resources, time, and thought, to self-sufficiency. For example, it could develope a cutting edge transportation system, that would not require armies of people and soldiers to fight to secure (this has been working well for Japan and Europe). It could also work to develope a cutting edge information infrastructure.... your high speed internet is now about as good as Japan's was in the mid-late 90's!!!! And, America could focus on restoring democracy and the democratic way of life to itself, which, I will admitedly only assert, declines the more a nation looks outside it's own borders.

Things like the World Wide Web make it more difficult to imagine how exactly an Isolationist movement would work. But, it seems to me, that such a political movement in America is exactly what we need today.

12-09-2005, 07:26 AM
Isolationism died around 1900. Not to say I wouldn't want it back, but it ain't gonna happen.

On the right people want to make everyone like us.
On the left people want to make everyone like us.

Take Iraq or Darfur, I don't think you can support intervention in one and not the other. People need to stop picking a choosing specific conflicts and just say no to the whole idea.