View Full Version : Observation from a MTT victory of mine

12-08-2005, 10:29 PM
Continued from a different post...........

But I'll tell ya, i am normally a 1/2 & 2/4 limit player, once i got down to the last 2 tables, i was COMPLETELY out of my element, and the notes that I took on everyone came in real handy for me to change gears. Notes rock when you make good ones that you can use later on!!!

I got real lucky one time (AKs vs JT of same suit) to keep me in, but after that it was almost smooth sailing. I underestimated the power of the big stack before last night.

So, my 2 cents...I am officially a member of the "accumulator" camp. The tight wads just withered and died as it got toward the end and the "small" chip leads in the beginning were pretty insignificant as it kept going on.

When we got down to 5, it was interesting....i had this girl (not that it means anything) tagged early in the tournamt as a Loose, poor player and somehow she got down to the end with by pure luck (or so i thought..) I faced her HU for the tourney at the end.

She was the first person that I ran into that plays the Gus Hanson school of thought, and she was damn good at it too. I had to really come out of my element to take her on......real good situation raises, good folds, etc etc...plus capable of playing any 2 cards.

Thoughts on this???? I switched gears after the money real well but not exately sure how i did this....Not sure if that made any sense....

Thanks for the support and the encouragement guys and gals.