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05-21-2002, 06:57 PM
Hey I write this stuff for all you boys and girls. Now when 69 of you viewed the joke I posted and only 22 read this post, my feelings are getting hurt. And don't think you can just enter and exit without reading it, to push the numbers higher. I have a spy watching the website.

SPM,...on the brink of tears...

Single suited viruses double suited the truth

Posted By: Suburban Poker Man

Date: Friday, 17 May 2002, at 3:23 p.m.

Many Hold'em players clearly have a fuzzy understanding of the concept, single suited verses double suited. This is largely because most of us read the poker books and poker rags. Those who write, sure as heck imply single suited Hold'em starting hands are by far the best way to go down the winning trail. The problem with our heros of poker manuscripts is, they are too mathematically inclined. They have fallen into the bell curve trap of positive expectation. Nevertheless, they fail to drive home the point that positive expectation is a long term commitment and most of us are short term oriented. So open your mind grasshopper and try to keep up, with our search for the truth about single suited verses double suited Hold'em starting hands.

The first thing we must decide, are you a long term player or a short term player? Long term players and short term players alike feel the sting of losing with monster hands. Defining which group you belong to is easy. Long term players accept the fact they cannot win every hand they play. They are more interested in positive long term results. So when they do lose the pain they feel is kept hidden and rarely will you see their pain. The flip side of handling those kinds of losses is very emotional. With out bursts of verbal whining, throwing cards into the muck at eight seven miles per hour and verbal attacks on the winner or the dealer. Short term players fall into this category.

We will now focus on the short term oriented player. Simply stated he cannot afford to wait for only positive expectation hands. He must win today, and winning in the short term is all about playing. However, his ego must always have a good reason for playing the extra hands, so that his peers see him as a thinking player. This maybe why single suited has gotten so much press, you hear them say it all the time, "it was suited." It was suited is a license to play suited rags in the short term. However, short term players have missed the obvious. Single suited opportunities can only make one kind of flush . With a double suited Hold'em hand you have two chances to make a flush.

Let us walk down the double suited path to increased opportunity. He we will use life's lessons to uncover the basic truth. You will not need cumbersome math skills and the equation is easy to remember. Two is better than one. That's the end of equation now let us review the logic, behind the equation. A business man having two suits, two shirts, two ties etc., is of greater value to his company, because he can work more consecutive days. Why, is that true, because he doesn't need to wait for his only suit to be cleaned at the River Cleaners. The fact that he has two suits means he can work more consecutive days . The best starting hand in Hold'em is pocket aces, clearly a double suited hand. The greatest gum commercial ever, says, "you can double your pleasure and double your fun, with double ‘MINT' gum." Like the equation, two mints are better than one. They say the perfect family is a husband and wife, with two kids of different sexes, a boy and a girl, clearly not a single suited family. Best baseball ticket value, a double header. By now you should have a clear picture of why double suited is truly the better value. So to all short term players, get rid of the fuzzy thinking and accept the truth that two is better than one. A good short term player must embrace the deeper logic of double suited.

SPM,...beaten senseless by a double suited rag man who understands the concept...

05-21-2002, 09:59 PM