View Full Version : Cheney's wagging the dog

05-21-2002, 09:49 AM
No immediate attack occurred. What did occur was the main stream press started asking uncomfortable questions of the adminstration. It's obvious they don't want a true investigation.

Just as Mr.Cheney fights exposure of his links to Enron, they don't want anyone yo know what the CIA knew on 9-10-02. An independent counsel as tough as Ken Starr is necessary. Cheney and Bush should be investigated for impeachment.

05-21-2002, 11:05 AM
you are obviously guilty of treason. cheney has come right out and said that people keep asking questions, congressional investigations, etc., the administration's attention will be diverted and nukes will go off in the US.

so unless you shut up and do what youre told, you are actually helping the terrorists. if you ask any questions, nukes will go off.

wasnt the ending to star wars great when all the stormtroopers are boarding the ships to go out and conquer/occupy everywhere?

once again, cheney has said, if anybody asks any questions, nukes will go off.
