View Full Version : Notes on Players

Anadrol 50
07-08-2003, 06:56 PM
For those that take notes on players both online and b&m....

What info do you record ? How do you file it ? How do you make the most use of the info you have ?

07-08-2003, 07:37 PM
I have the 4 groups of players:

Loose passive - LPP
Tight Passive - TPP
Tight aggressive - TAP
loose aggressive - LAP


LSH - Low starting hands
LRH - Low raising hands preflop usually Ax etc
BAP - Bet any pair player in any situation
CS - Calling station
LD - Lay down for No Limit
GT - gutshot (inside straight) chaser
OA - over aggressive
OB - over bluffs
BD - bets draws, kinda general so i have to see them do it all the time.
idiot - for someone who doesn't odds.

I make note of anyone who slowplays pair Aces and pair kings because i hate that play.

I usually check my notes on the player if i'm in a tough decision, heads up, about to bet, about to call.

07-08-2003, 09:52 PM
Let me see if I understand you JayP. In your notes I could be classified as a LAPLSHLRHBAPGTOAOBBDIDIOT.

Doesn't that get a little complicated? /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

Anadrol 50
07-08-2003, 11:05 PM
How do you store them ? How do you acces them quickly while playing ???

07-09-2003, 07:44 AM
Not really, pressing space bar saves all the complications.

07-09-2003, 07:47 AM
Most sites have an option to save them on players and access them whenever you want.

Tommy Angelo
07-09-2003, 10:56 AM
"Let me see if I understand you JayP. In your notes I could be classified as a LAPLSHLRHBAPGTOAOBBDIDIOT"

LOL! Good one!

As to taking notes on players at a B&M casino, since JayP threw that in there, I can't think of anything I would write down that would make me money. Think about it. A guy sits down. He does something that I think I want to remember about him. But before I can even write down the thing itself, I have to have some way to name or indicate who the player is in such a way that a week from now when I see him again, I'll be able to look at my notes of hundreds of players that I carry around in my pocket, and access this guy? And find something in the notebook that will actually change one of my betting decisions from one thing to another, and have it be right? Meanwhile, someone just did something I needed to see, which happens, like, nonstop?

I'd never really thought about this before but I don't see how taking notes on player tendencies at a B&M casino could be any more profitable that simply sizing up all players at all times in the unavoidable way that we all do.


07-09-2003, 01:38 PM
It's online, it takes 2 seconds to put my mouse over their name.

Marking the type of players:


Helps decisions greatly and would save money, Alan N Schoonmarker has a whole book devoted to it. These are only the same mental notes that you would make at a live table. Easy to put my mouse over and read than try and remember them.