View Full Version : Current Movie & CD Reviews[Spidey Sux]

05-17-2002, 02:30 PM
"Spider-bore, Spider-bore, see this movie and you will snore." Man, that's gotta be the most overrated movie since "In The Bedroom". Come back Batman, all is forgiven. If Spidey set the opening weekend record by that much, they're gonna need the National Guard for "The Two Towers" & "Prisoner of Wherever-Khan".

Yeah, Kirsten Dunst's a hottie & Willem Dafoe's always cool[ain't it about time he did a movie w/Christopher Walken?], but I dunno where all the "Tobey Maguire-great young actor" smack comes from[and yeah, I loved "The Ice Storm" & "Wonder Boys"; he was aight in both]. His sleepwalking IS a nice change from the Penn-Cage histrionics, however.

The preview for "Insomnia" looked really cool. I'm a big Hilary Swank fan, and I also like Pacino & Robin Williams when they're not binge-purging on the scenery. This looks like a cross of the good parts of "The Pledge"[yawn] & "Hannibal"[not quite as bad as the book, but still].

After Spidey, I snuck across the octagon into "Y Tu Mama Tambien". Very good, kind of a Mexican "Kids" with beautiful beaches. Plus Marianna Verdu[?] makes Salma Hayek look like an ol' serape, IMO.

If you like Michael Caine, Bob Hoskins, Helen Mirren, or Roy Winstone, you must see "Last Orders". Very British, and outstanding.

The new Moby CD, "18", is very good, although he should've titled it "Ernie Banks". If you liked his last one, you'll like this one. Mobe's developed a new genre: Gospeltronica! "18" sounds at times both more somber & poppier than "Play", but it's still basically the same style. Can't blame the guy for sticking with what worked, though this one'll be lucky to sell half of what "Play" did. No shame in that. I doubt "18" will have near the commercial crossovers & licensing that "Play" did, but that was a unique, totally unexpected phenomenon that is impossible to predict or plan for.

There's a very cool, Mazzy Star-ish song on "18", vocals by Azure Sky. Mazzy's "So Tonight That I Might See" is the greatest chill album of all time, and has the greatest 'side two/last half' of any album ever, 'cept mebbe Zep IV. Hope Sandoval of Mazz sings on the Chemical Brothers track "Asleep From Day" off the "Surrender" CD. Sounds like ol' Mobe did a lift of it for "18", but hell, thats what he does. Man can't help his nature, and everybody's gotta make a livin' somehow... /images/smile.gif

05-19-2002, 12:50 AM

I haven't seen 'Spidey', but I usually trust your judgment.

That said, I thought "The Pledge" was incredible.