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View Full Version : AA misplay or not???

Bat Cape
07-07-2003, 06:05 PM
2 tournies in a row...unreal. Did I misplay by not raising more?

I am on button with AA 200/400 blinds, I am at 4k which puts me 8/33. 4 callers to me...I make it 2400, BB goes all in (he had 570 less than me)...heads up, he flops broadway with AQ0

2nd (I think I really did NOT raise this one enough)
LB with AA, 4k again, about 16/40...I raise to 1200 from 200 blinds...BB calls with AJo and flops broadway.

Did I screw up, or just get incredibly unlucky?

07-07-2003, 06:15 PM
You played correctly. Your opponents played poorly and got very lucky. On the 2nd hand, assuming no other callers, I wouldn't even have raised that big. If you keep getting called on big pre-flop raises with AA, you are going to come out ahead far more often than not.

Doesn't make it hurt less when they get cracked though.

See www.twodimes.net (http://www.twodimes.net) for odds on preflop hands and notice what poor odds your opponents were getting.