View Full Version : Percentage Hold'em by Will Hyde aka Justin Case

I am fish
11-30-2005, 09:38 AM
Percentage Hold'em by Will Hyde aka Justin Case

I came across the mention of this book and I was wondering if any of you have ever read it and could tell us a little more about it and whether or not you recommend it.

From what I gather, it goes through some simulations and deals a lot with hand values


I am fish
11-30-2005, 09:45 AM
It is not on amazon and this is all I could find... Seems interesting to me though.

Google Search of the book (http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&safe=off&q="Percentage+Hold%27em"+"Will+Hyde"+Justin+Case)

I guess I'm curious if the book is dated now that similar simulations can be found online and done on Pokerstove etc. Does the book get into discussions? or is it just tables of stuff that can be found online that is more accurate now?

11-30-2005, 02:44 PM
I've read it. I've reviewed it here:

It's mostly, but not entirely tables of numbers. I don't expect that recent simulations would be "more accurate". The assumptions underlying the book are simple, but are easy to understand and work with. I found it wortwhile, but it's not an enternal classic.

The trick is finding the book. It was self-published, it's way out of print, and the author has passed on. If a copy comes your way you might want to grab it, but it's probably not worth expending a lot of energy chasing it down.

New York Jet
11-30-2005, 11:41 PM
I too have read the book. The only way I could get a hold of it was through the Interlibrary loan (my copy came from a Las Vegas library). Kind of a short read when you subtract the charts. I think the Pokerroom.com EV Stats (http://www.pokerroom.com/games/evstats/positionStats.php?players=10) are more accurate because they involve actual players. In all, I was disappointed...probably because I had high hopes for the book.