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View Full Version : INCOMPLETE BET

07-01-2003, 12:50 PM
The game is 6 12 a player is close to all in. On the turn he calls a bet and states he is all in and throws in four chips. But he leaves the four that he has on his down cards.

The calls is questions and he mumbles something (he mite have answered in another languish, not sure). The dealer states he just wants to keep a few bucks to buy a drink or something on his way out. and lets the player keep his chips.

My first instinct is to call the dealer on her ruling, but i was not in the hand the the better was OK with it. I didn't want to get on any ones bad side.

What would you do???

By the way after the hand the planner bought more chips

07-01-2003, 01:01 PM
1 - That dealer gets no more tips from me. Ever.

2 - After the dealer makes his "ruling" you should say "that's not correct" ask the dealer to call the floor over for a ruling immediately.

They cheated the pot winner out of $4, or $8, or $12 (depending on the chip size)

And if he wants to buy a drink on the way out, he should have put that money in his pocket before he sat down.

Kurn, son of Mogh
07-01-2003, 01:15 PM
If it wasn't heads-up, they might have cheated the winner more, since the all-in was less than half a bet, could it be raised?

07-01-2003, 03:26 PM
The all-in of 4 chips could have been $4 ($1 chips), $8 ($2 chips) or even $12 ($3 chips). So it might have been less than half, more than half, or even a full bet.