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11-11-2005, 06:44 PM
If a player muti-tables on the internet, how does that change his SD/hr? how does that change his EV? I'm trying to calculate a potential risk of ruin using Kimberg's formula from 'Serious Poker'

11-11-2005, 09:57 PM
Are you assuming that someone plays the same playing more tables? If so, just compare SD/100 hands and EV/100 hands and its identical. Since you are getting 4 times as many hands in, if I remember correctly, your variance shrinks by a factor of 4 per hour. So SD would go down by a factor of 2.

For your calculations, just assume you are playing 4 times as much, and you'll be fine (instead of 40 hours/week, 160 hours/week).

11-12-2005, 12:51 PM
Tom is correct. EV/hr quadruples, SD/hr doubles.