View Full Version : Raising other people's kids to be suckers

03-29-2002, 10:29 AM
A couple more stock-market slides - and a couple more political campaigns where Democrats push-poll old people in Florida that the Wepublicans (wascally) are going to "raid" social security - and I think we'll see a lot more parents inviting their own children to come live back home. They'll want to have their own private young-buck wage-earner to ride on right under their own roof.

Mexican families, and Chinese families in California, live in multi-generational households. And, unlike black people, the only complaints people have about the Chinese is that they study too hard, and about the Mexicans that they work too hard, for less than a "living wage." But living as a single mommy with five kids and Uncle Sam (you) footing the bill isn't their idea of "living."

I think it's about times families, churches, and communities, started supporting each other again, rather the the social security and unemployment-insurance systems. I've had friends who got laid off and moved back in with their parents, because they would be ashamed every day that they kicked it in their bachelor pad watching DVD's and drinking Heinekens, on your tab. So they leave the workforce and go back to school to try to make themselves more useful.

Few things disgust me more than this idea of the selfish, hedonistic parent, who can't wait until the kids get out of the house, so they can start wife-swapping and doing bong-hits on the shag-rug livingroom carpet again. Cultured people, who don't live like animals (okay, they do live like some animals), function and pass on skills as a family unit. We don't need more young people living like Marky-Mark in the movie Fear.

Parents, coaching your kids into becoming useful members of society is your job, as long and as mich attention as it takes. And just being somebody else's tenant, rather than yours, doesn't make them useful. Kids, I think you should know that in my world, your parents would starve and fall down before I would support them, so long as you had a single dollar left to spare yourself, and a spot for them to sleep on your couch.

Besides, ugly girls are supposed to live with their parents, if it takes them a little longer to get married off. It's okay to let them go off and work as waitresses so they can meet people, but you don't want them hanging out with the wrong crowd, or turning into sluts and dirtbags -and eventually becoming old hags and Yateses - at any age. I hope my daughters live with me until the day I die, if they can't find a good man.

Single people living outside families or clans - social drifters - gross me out. Whenever some little teeny-bopper who had learned to pay rent in sex favors tried to move in with me, the first thing I'd do is call her parents. And when the parents obviously didn't want her, or "didn't have room," the next thing I'd do is offer to marry her.

This "other-people-should-support-your-parents" attitude is straight out of North Korea. And this "get-out-on-your-own-at-age-18" mentality is straight out of the trailer park.


03-29-2002, 12:04 PM

03-29-2002, 12:37 PM

03-29-2002, 03:50 PM
In my life, I have known two kinds of waiters.

The first kind is 21, and he works as a waiter while living with his parents and going to technical college.

The second kind is 28, has his own pad, and spends his money on a new car stereo and beer.

I would definitely recommend to anyone to be the first kind.

Between living with your parents and being some worthless piece of human debris from MTV real world, I say stick with your parents.

At least that way, you have roommates who shave and get up before noon.


03-29-2002, 04:47 PM
You've been reading that bitch Mona Charen again havn't you?

"Few things disgust me more than this idea of the selfish, hedonistic parent, who can't wait until the kids get out of the house, so they can start wife-swapping and doing bong-hits on the shag-rug livingroom carpet again."

Don't worry about it dude. That kind of stuff only happens in the movies. It's all Hollywood make believe.

03-31-2002, 01:34 AM
This post made me think about an article concerning some people bitching about the large percentage of "Asians" in MIT and some other named schools.

There is an immigrant family I see every weeknight I go into a local bookstore. The kids are doing homework, and the parents are using the store's books to help them do it better(yes, I know, that's not the point). Are these kids going to MIT? I think they will have a much better chance than the non immigrant family who lets their child race through the homework, so they can jump on the Playstation before bedtime. Once we were no longer 'the immigrants', some of us started getting lazy, and think we have 'a right'. fwiw....