View Full Version : Abdul Jalib's Theory of Sucking Out

06-19-2003, 08:41 PM
Abdul's formulae and tables, both for betting and chasing, seem like they would be a very useful way to get a feel for odds in hold'em. What is the general consensus on these tables?


06-20-2003, 06:50 AM
If they are the same ones I looked at 2-3 years ago, I'd say they are ALOT better than not reading anything - and quite a bit better than most of what you might bump into.

Time to suck up; every single book 2+2 has published is the "gold standard"; all other texts remind me of the banner I saw at the summer Olympics - I think it was held up by a supporter of one of the Eastern European teams.

It read, "Go for the SILVER" :-).


That said, even the "S&M" books won't help much if you don't mix up your play at least a little.

"Formula poker" - a phrase coined by a close friend of mine - stops working as soon as you see "red" ($5) chips being used.

It will beat most 2-4, 3-6 games - and even a few of the softer 5-10 or 6-12 games, but it won't win much money and it won't work for long against the same core group of players. Additionally, it is extremely BORING (zzzzzzz) !


But, if 2-4, 3-6 is what you are currently playing it can do quite well if you move around from game to game.

When my niece was an infant - right around the time online poker got super popular - I was the designated babysitter.

. . . She was an angel so I didn't mind a bit.

However, as most infants do, she spent most of her time asleep - often in my lap.

Online was a G-dsend; TV gets really boring after awhile.

I played 2-4 - never higher, never lower - and by the time she needed constant attention (most 18 month olds do) and was spending much less time sleeping, I realized that I had an hourly average of just over $11 per game. (I usually played in two at a time). This covered well over 1,000 hours so I'm convinced it was not a fluke.

My point: at that time "formula poker" was all I knew how to play - but I did adhere rigidly to the "formula" and I never stayed in one place for too long.


That was a longer response than I had intended, but it should be of some help to you.

Best wishes and good luck,

- Chris


P.S. What stakes do you normally play, how long have you been playing, and how have your results been up till now ? ? ?

I'd enjoy hearing from you if you care to swap stories.

I MIGHT even be able to help a bit if you are at the lower limits; if you're playing higher than 3-6 you are better off getting your advice elsewhere (lol) - but I'd still be interested in hearing about your experiences at the smaller games.
