View Full Version : Boondocks on Adult Swim - Review

11-07-2005, 12:18 PM
Anyone else catch it last night?

That show had potential for greatness. I don't think it was very well done.

First of all, the show has an MA rating and airs at 11 pm, there is no reason to bleep as many words as they did and to blur out middle fingers, except that Time Warner, while trying to prove their all "cutting edge" by airing a controversal show is actually run by a bunch of gutless pussies.

The main characters seem to be vastly different in personality than in the comic strip (which I am not a fan of), but instead of developing the characters properly, they are just thrown at us.

There were some funny moments.

Grandfather: We don't use the N-word in this house.
Huey: Grandad, you said it 46 times yesterday.
Grandather: Nigger Hush!

Overall, it was just a self-serving piece of crap created so that the cartoonist (I forget his name) could have an outlet for his radical views and open racism, and aired by Time Warner only because they are desperate to give Adult Swim something of South Park calliber.

Overall: C
Writing: D
Animation: B+/A-
Originality: B-

11-07-2005, 12:32 PM
from last night (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=3876624&an=0&page=1#Post 3876624)

I think there were funny parts, though i didn't catch it from start to finish. I'll give it a few episodes before I judge.