View Full Version : Dear Christians: is LSD use immoral?

11-03-2005, 06:47 PM
Let's say that a metally sound fellow (no meds, no mental problems) wants to use LSD for "mind-expanding" purposes. That is, experience things that he would not normally experience in the hope of altering his understanding of the world, be it for good or for bad.

Let's also say that LSD, in this consideration, is legal (I'd like legality not to interfere with the morality of this subject...if LSD's legal status affects your decision, substitute in a DiPT derivative, or some other legal hallucinogen)

11-03-2005, 06:59 PM
Um, the reason that marijuana is so hated is that people cant get past the fact it's illegal, and it makes them think it's immoral... you're asking them to do something they've already proven they cant.

Also, I've never done anything past pot, so Im not exactly sure how mind expanding lsd is... but as long as they dont hurt anyone else, I couldn't care less.

11-03-2005, 07:33 PM
mmm, good point. I often forget the minds that we're dealing with.