View Full Version : Lost and Found

06-09-2003, 10:29 PM
My step daughter and my wife went to Walmart to buy whatever this afternoon. My step daughter had 2 50's and 5 for $105 total. When she got to the cash register it was gone as apparently she had lost it on her way in or in the store. After she returned to my house my wife convinced her to call the store to see if anyone turned in the cash. It seemed like a long shot but indeed some shopper had turned in the cash and she went back to the store and claimed her lost money.

06-09-2003, 10:51 PM
A Gamblers stepdaughter should know that 50's are unlucky. She should be happy a gambler found them and turned the money in. If it had been a Benjamin they would be in a poker game somewhere by now. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

06-09-2003, 11:23 PM
It's nice when nice things happen, isn't it? I believe goods things like this happen for a reason, a payback for doing the right thing. I only know you from our political squabbles here, but your sense of decency and honor comes through. and I'm sure you and your family have those things in common.