View Full Version : Hemorraging with AK

10-21-2005, 10:58 AM
Over the last 20k hands, my biggest loser of the high VPIP hands is AKs at -1.9BB, with AKo being about +.3BB per hand. Sample sets are obviously small, but I think it shows a common problem with my game when I fail to hit the flop.

I'm often HU with AK. I'm getting destroyed by both calling stations and lags. Other TAGs not so much. I'm obviously almost always ahead preflop, but after that my plays are -EV. I don't want to give free cards, but my bet on the flop is nearly always called by either LAG or calling stations.

On the turn, LAGs check-raise me with any pair or draw, putting me in a very tough situation. A guy, OTTO, was raising preflop and check raising or 3-betting most flops and turns last night and just running over the board. Never seen such a clear example of how a LAG can get the best of it just by being aggressive (7.8 aggression over 100+ hands).

With calling stations, my turn bet either doesn't get called because I'm ahead or gets called when I'm behind. I'm rarely betting the turn for value with a missed AK.

So, I'm lost and frustrated and reviewing the last 50 AK hands just shows what I've gone over. Now, the fact AK is losing is variance. The fact I'm spewing isn't.

Seems like my play is putting me into a "win a little" or "lose a lot mode". If I hit, they usually fold and I pick up 1.5-2.33BB (the preflop raise and sometimes blinds). If I miss, I'm losing 2.5-3.5BB. Granted, sometimes I miss and they fold, but sometimes I hit and lose and in those situations, again I'm winning small and losing big.

Even if I win AK the 3:2 it's up on a random 2 cards, that ratio of BB won/BB lost is going to put me in the hole. I don't know that I can win significantly more when I'm ahead, but what can I do to stem the losses? Should I be checking behind on the turn a lot more?

How do other folks here handle a missed AK when you're called on your flop continuation bet? Yea, read dependent, but assume 2 main flavors. Calling station and LAG. One will call the turn with any pair, the other will donk or check/raise with almost any two.

Putting either on a hand is tough given they're usually around the 45-50 VPIP mark. When they're calling out of the blind, it's pretty much any 2.

10-21-2005, 11:01 AM
Seems like you should be checking behind AK ui v. a LAG more often (perhaps augment this by 3 betting made hands more liberally).

10-21-2005, 11:34 AM
On the turn, LAGs check-raise me with any pair or draw

[/ QUOTE ]

If someone is often going to check raise you on a draw, then you should check behind on the turn in position with unimproved AK, and call a river bet, as these players will also to tend to bluff the river after your weak play on the turn. This should be a standard part of your game.

Also against these players who check raise light, you should be going three bets on the turn with overpairs/TPTK. That's where you make back some of the money that you lose because these guys are bluffing at a good frequency against you.


10-21-2005, 12:13 PM
If a calling station folds a turn to your unimproved AK its not a bad thing.
Against LAGs, showdown your unimproved AK as cheaply as possible. Most often this means checking behind on the turn.
Against calling stations, who are very passive, you might want to check turn, fold river unimproved sometimes.
Against observant opponents, you want to be able to make different plays with the same hand, which will make you less predictable.

10-21-2005, 12:24 PM
If someone is often going to check raise you on a draw, then you should check behind on the turn in position with unimproved AK, and call a river bet, as these players will also to tend to bluff the river after your weak play on the turn. This should be a standard part of your game.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have difficulty against these types of players as well - but if we get check/raised by a draw with AK here, isn't that a good thing? (if he's this aggressive) Seems like if we check behind we're not winning as much from him as we could when he is on a draw since more often than not he'll miss on the river.

10-21-2005, 12:31 PM
The turn bet with AK against a single opponent is often done for free showdown unimproved. If check-raised, you fold confidently
If you cannot confidently fold to a check-raise with AK unimproved, this is not a good thing, because you will be more often check-raised with a pair and lose your free card privileges and your free showdown. AK unimproved is a drawing hand more often than it is the best hand

10-21-2005, 01:00 PM
A couple comments here really pin point the main problem. I hate checking the turn in case they're drawing or would fold a small pair. I hate betting the turn because of the check-raise possibility or that I'll get called down by someone who hit the flop.

That dilemma is what seems to kill me the most. I think I'm doing the worst of all worlds by rarely checking behind and frequently calling the turn check raise.

I'll try tightening up on the turn and only continuing to push on boards that have a pretty clear draw unless the opponent has given me a reason to think they'll fold.