View Full Version : FILM REVIEW: Pride and Prejudice (2005)

10-19-2005, 05:02 AM
I'm talking the 2005 version here, with Keira Knightley as the lead Lizzie Bennet.

This I doubt stacks up when compared to the BBC adaptation, which is probably the definitive adaptation for most - for this reason, I'm going to take this one as a standalone, and talk about its merits apart from the BBC version (not difficult, as I've not seen that one!).

I'm not even going to review the story, over than it is specifically about the hate/love relationship that develops between a man and a woman in trying circumstances. So, an archetypal love story then!

It's an engaging and lush film. Definitely not a 'guy' film, obviously, but a definite class above the usual chick flick too, and some guys will definitely like it. If you like the flow and use of language in, say one of the Shakespeare comedies, you will like this.

It scraps a lot from the book, but what else can you expect in a 2 hour film, so I can't bitch too much about that. It's main failing, however, is that you do get a sense that you're watching only parts of a much bigger story, and that does interfere with the cohesiveness of the film a little. But that's a minor niggle.

For the first hour, the camera barely stops moving, and moves fluidly and wonderfully through scenes from character to character, conversation to conversation. This is no drawing-room comedy of manners, it's lively, it's vivid, it's rustic. Animals abound, chickens in the yard, pigs wandering in the house, and so on! It's very clear that these people live in a dynamic and non-sterile world!

The film's colours are lush, and the use of music to complement the scenes and shots are impressive. There's a scene where the two leads dance for the first time, and there's a piece of music - Bach I think - that starts with a lone violin, that is really wonderful (though it's quite hard to judge for sure over the dialogue). The rest of the music is equally engaging without being overbearing.

The camera is more static in the latter half of the film, and there are many shots of the beautiful English countryside, and some of the stunning stately homes therein. And I doubt there's not a woman in the house that won't get some sort of tingly feeling when Darcy somes walking through the mist towards his Lizzie, in a slow, steady, rolling gait.

Along with this, the dialogue is imparted beautifully, and I'm sure anyone who couldn't understand English would still enjoy this film to some degree, given the beautiful cadences and rhythms that these actors give to the words.

The most touching performance to me was that of Donald Sutherland as the father to several excitable, marriagable daughters. He says little, but his actions and minimal dialogue show the depth of his love for his daughters - particularly Lizzie - and the film ends on his tearful but smiling face as he sits alone, quietly contemplating his daughter's happy marriage to come - just goddamned perfect!

In summary, I liked this a lot as a film, but it would not be to everyone's taste.

REWATCHABILITY: Infrequent, say once every 3 years minimum.

RATINGS (out of 5):
1 - don't bother
2 - okay for a single watch, if you've got time
3 - Definite watch if you get a chance
4 - See it very soon, at least once before you die
5 - See it immediately, no excuses

Opinions/comments/arguments please, especially if you think I missed anything worth discussion/expansion, or violently agree or disagree.

PM me any you'd like reviewed sometime.

10-19-2005, 08:25 AM
I doubt anything could be as good as the BBC version however the fact that someone thought to cast Donald Sutherland in the role of the father intrigues me enough to want to see it.

Your review was very good but lacking in one important area. Couldn't help but notice you didn't say who plays Darcy in this version and is he anywhere near as charming and sexy as Colin Firth? For the girls this is an important element in any review of Pride and Prejudice,... like come on now diebitter, How hot is Darcy???

10-19-2005, 08:28 AM
Hmmmm, I'm not the best judge, but I'd say Colin Firth takes it. He's better looking than the new guy, and there's no wet shirt moment in this version (not that I've seen it - I've just been subjected to all the yapping and cooing about it whenever it's on TV over here, so it's obviously good ladyp0rn).

I sincerely apologise to all the girls of OOT for this oversight, and will post Darcy hottie pics when I get home as recompense.

PS. And they're all good actors in this one, but Donald Sutherland takes it, in my book.

10-19-2005, 11:07 AM
Part as bump for the late risers, and part to fulfill the promise, here's a pic for the ladies
