View Full Version : Did you hear that...

02-23-2002, 12:56 PM
There is an inner Voice who speaks to Hold'em Warriors on the battlefield. The Voice has delusions of grandeur with a large splash of deceit and should be ignored. This devious inner Voice can turn the illogical into logic faster than white on rice. You can lock this Voice up in the deep recesses of your mind, duck tape his lips together, and play like the Voice can not be heard. But, when push comes to shove, the inner Voice will find a platform from which to broadcast his delusions of grandeur and deceit. The Voice will pick the moment of least resistence and shower you with an ear full of ridiculous reasons why these two inferior cards are now cosmically positioned to do the most damage to the enemies of the righteous. Of course the one hearing the Voice is presumed to be poetically righteous. Should you be unfortunate enough to hear this Voice, be advised, the echo of the Voice will be a statistical cleansing.

The greatest danger of hearing the Voice and complying, is success. When strategy becomes illogical logic and winning is the short term result. The poetically righteous will have opened up Pandora's Box and shutting her Box, is more difficult than stopping a stamped of wild horses with a sheepdog. The glory of winning ugly on the battlefield is worth it's weight in gold, so the legend goes. It makes inferior Generals become babbling brooks of information, being shouted in the direction of the deaf ears of the winner. The poetically righteous leader believes he has given the enemy a reason to call all of his bets. He believes he will now return to the battlefield with superior strength and take many more prisoners. Here lies the rub, the fly in the ointment, the true sprit of the inner Voice. Closing Pandora's Box is no easy task, the voice will stay silent until the righteous releases a rag hand that would have won. With great authority the Voice will say, "You are on a rush, don't miss it!" The strong, will ignore the voice, the weak will inherit a statistical cleansing.

SPM,...one of the weak...