View Full Version : LC: Pokertracker too slow for SNGs?

10-12-2005, 02:44 PM
I have like 1200 sngs in pokertracker, and it is slow as balls, and freezing when I try to import more. I changed to postgresql, which seemed to help for a little while, but now it sucks.

I have read about people importing millions of hands, and 1200 sngs is only 63k hands. Does PT have a problem with sngs? My computer is a 64bit-Athlon 3000 with 1.5GRAM. It appears my SNG database is 460 Meg.

10-12-2005, 03:40 PM
If those 1200 are at multiple buyins or sites, you might want to try going to the Preferences tab (or whatever the rightmost one is), and only selecting a couple of buyin levels or sites. This will reduce the load time when you access ring game statistics.

Slim Pickens
10-12-2005, 05:25 PM
This happened to me too. I gave up and started a new DB. Really, you don't need player data across multiple buy-ins. I just separate mine by buy-in now. I was thinking also that one could pare down a DB by exporting all players with more than 3 or 4 tournaments played, then reloading them into a fresh DB, thereby getting rid of any players you don't really need.