View Full Version : Online play deficiencies

05-28-2003, 03:04 AM
Ok, so I let's assume that I am interested in moving towards making some income at poker (I am not actually there yet, but just for the sake of discussion) The first priority is to improve my skills, and follow the classic "learn to beat 2-4 before moving up to 3-6" pattern. Along those lines, it seems like my options are:

1. Enter the seedy and often illegal underbelly of Austin in search of games to work on my skills.
2. Play online poker where there are always games to be had any time night or day.

It is true that I can't work on reading people online, but that is not an inherently bad thing. Reading cards and reading people are different skills anyway. I am open to discussion on this point, so speak up if you have thoughts.

Now then, let's assume that playing online is my best option for now. I always hear people talking about how easy it is to beat the low limit games online. Both people I know, and articles I have read talk about it being to win money by just playing the nice big hands, and really only paying half atttention. I personally haven't seen it happen. I am probably down about $100 online, and I know a big problem that I have.

I have troubles keeping my attention on the game. I start off playing my normal game of poker, but after a while I stop playing like I am accustomed to playing. Compared to my face games, I don't factor everything into my decisions anymore, I am quicker to go on tilt because I don't the external distractions to settle me back down, and I do stupid things like missing straights and flushes on the board. These are all things that I corrected in my face game a long time ago. Anyone have suggestions on how to go about correcting that?

Also, I find myself not holding myself to my normal play strategies. It easier for me to make boredom plays online because, again, the external stimulus is missing. I often don't even realize it and make the play in the name of "unpredictability."

Basically, my biggest limitations right now are mental, but those are toughest for me to correct. I guess experience and concentrated effort are my best solutions if I intend to make a go of it, but I am open to other thoughts on the topic.

Thanks for the thoughts,


05-28-2003, 03:30 AM
It sounds like what you need is practice. If you're gonna play low limit online then maybe you should play more than one table at once. I find that I tend to actually play better and I pay attetion better when I play more than one table at once. I still get mad sometimes when some one draws out on me but I don't go on tilt any more for any reason, I think that comes with practice.

Mike Haven
05-28-2003, 03:52 AM
This sounds to me like an excellent question to pose in the Psychology Forum. You are quite likely to receive a reply from Schoonmaker if you try it there, too.

05-28-2003, 06:53 AM
These are all things that I corrected in my face game a long time ago. Anyone have suggestions on how to go about correcting that?

Hi Darin,

Great first post, welcome to The Zoo.

For some weird reason, even though internet play is much faster than real play, people get bored more easily online (Look at me...1400+ newsgroup posts.....), so realise you are not alone here.

What you CAN do is to make your distractions game related so that even though you are still essentially killing time between hands, you have to pay attention to the game, even if it is kind of by accident.

Set yourself little targets that amuse you but that involve the game you are playing, a few (silly, but plausible) examples to maybe help you think of something that suits you.

1. Look at the names of all the players on the table, find the one that you like the least and hope they lose all their money, watch to see how they do and how they play, make notes while you watch.
You will find yourself hoping they make bad decisions if you can really convince yourself you want this player to bust, and the number of times you are disappointed will help you to see how good they actually are.

2.Keep track of your win/loss every 10 minutes using pen and paper, have tables for averages on the day, the last hour, and anything that keeps your mind occupied that is vaguely interesting at the time.

3.(I know people who have done this)
Make ten columns representing the seats at the table.
Put a tick under a player's name when they see the flop, use something to denote when the player changes, this serves the purpose of not only providing some information, but keeping you occupied whilst you watch the game.

4. When you play a hand, write down what happened, write down how you thought you played each pot.
This serves the purpose of once again making you think whilst you wait, and also you might find yourself tightening up a little thinking "Oh god, I really don't want to write about how I played this 67o UTG"

These ideas can be taken literally, or used to provide a framework that suits your personality better, pen and paper is good though, it is quite slow and fills the time nicely.

Also, regarding missing flushes, Once again FOUR COLOUR DECK
It's a great tool and only takes a day or two to get used to
(A bit like our friend edwardr)

Play shorter sessions, but more of them, limit yourself to a crazily short session (In my case this would be 30 minutes) and play to your big blind, then get a coffee, go for a walk, anything like that, but leave the game for at least ten minutes.
You might find you are in a hurry to get back to the game and your concentration level will stay high.

Hope something here gives you an idea that will help,

Good Luck, and let us know how you get on,


05-28-2003, 07:35 AM
Excellent suggestions...

I would add....
Download your favorite music from Kazaa. I have different music for different situations. When I need to slow down after a win rush, I play some soft flamingo music, or slow ballads, slow soft type music. When I'm just idling along and need a boost, I fire up SRV (Stevie Ray Vaughn), Santana, Kenny Wayne Shepard, and other electric fast blues or rock. When things are going well, and I just want to keep my cool, I have a bunch of women blues like Bonnie Rait, and others you haven't heard of possibly.

The TV, Fox news gets turned on and although I am not really watching it or listening, the background noise and glancing at the TV offers a possible necessary distraction.

Poker books, sometimes but not often I force myself to read a chapter or two out of my main books. Some may say that you miss too much necessary table observation, but hey if you are playing multiple tables you are missing a lot there too. It's funny how you can be reading about how to play a certain hand and you get involved in a similiar situation online while your reading.

FOCUS as already has been suggested on players. If you play often you will encounter the same players often. I try to make a study of the main ones.. Making notes, examine hand history. Learn that player.

good luck

05-28-2003, 08:05 AM
LOL..... To keep myself from getting distracted I listen to music, read a book and watch TV

05-28-2003, 10:46 AM
"LOL..... To keep myself from getting distracted I listen to music, read a book and watch TV"

........and surf the net! /forums/images/icons/grin.gif

crazy canuck
05-28-2003, 03:13 PM
You've got some good advice there...now you know how to focus by distracting yourself. I'd like to add the following: Limit your sessions for two/three hours. Do NOT play tired. After playing for 10 hours I lose control more easily than Mason staring at the naked Granny. Limit your losses...25 BB works for me. If you keep losing in a game change the table and site. Also, if you have a big losing session, and you feel like you have to get even, stay the hell away from the computer. Watch porn (this can be substituted by reading the bible/koran/hindu scriptures for the more conservative players), take a walk or watch a movie. You can also search the archives for more advice. Good luck and take care.

05-28-2003, 06:16 PM
along the same lines....
while playing 2 games I'll also read the New York Times online...or surf around here on 2+2...or read a poker book or other book.
additionally, some of my friends may notice that i have no longer dropped off the face of the earth with regards to returning e-mails or corresponding semi-regularly.
i'm constructing this less than brilliant post as I dance between a couple of games. right now i just hit 2 pair on the flop....looks pretty promising.

Additionally, i am able to sit outside my apartment in a comfy lawn-chair type thing enjoying the weather as well as the occasional neighbor strolling by. Hallelujah for laptops.

another idea - when i played in chess tournaments (real world...currently i only play internet chess) i would write at the top of my scoresheet of each game the words PATIENCE and DISCIPLINE. Particularly if I felt that I had been lacking one or both of those qualities in a previous round. Strangely, just those two words on a scoresheet seemed to keep me on track. If you think a sticky-note on your computer screen with something like that (or more detailed, like "Don't Chase") would be helpful...then by all means, go for it.

good luck.

05-28-2003, 06:40 PM
1 word.....porn.

05-28-2003, 08:31 PM
LOL...someone's been reading my old posts /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif

My Little Reminder... (http://www.twoplustwo.com/forums/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=inet&Number=244459&Forum=i net&Words=jasonHoldEm&Match=Username&Searchpage=3& Limit=25&Old=3months&Main=244438&Search=true#Post2 44459)

Occasionally, I'll ignore its sage advice...and that's when I get myself into trouble.

This is a good thread, although I prefer to try and stay focused on one game at a time (I have enough trouble doing that). I'm actually working on a computer program to try and log some session/hand statistics and thoughts...I'll write about it in next weeks Poker Odyssey.


05-28-2003, 10:49 PM
yeah dial up limits you to the crappy stuff though /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

05-28-2003, 11:10 PM
'1 word.....porn'

I'm not sure how it can possibly help you play poker with all the blood rushing OUT of your brain.

Not to sound like a Lorinda disciple but....breaks. At least 1 every hour. In one hour online you will play 60+ hands. That is an enormouns amount of information for your mind to digest and still remain alert. It doesn't have to be a marathon. As time goes on, you will find that you will be more alert for longer times. Baby steps though. If you can only pay attention for 15 minutes, then take a break every 15 minutes for now.


"If you fall in love with your hand, your money will get jealous and spend its time with someone else"

05-29-2003, 04:17 AM
Ron Jeremy, you may laugh at my ideas for relaxing and staying in the right frame of mind to play.

But you wouldn't laugh once you saw my success or bankroll.

05-29-2003, 08:01 AM
My Apologies..... All Hail Yocalif............... and his $400 bankroll

05-29-2003, 10:46 AM
I've noticed that I stay far more focused and in "poker mode" while playing in tournaments, especially when it gets down to "crunch time" where you're working your butt off to make it into the money.

I have to somehow apply this motivation to ring games, I suppose moving up in limits (I stick to 1/2 and 2/4) would help with this, but then there is the whole bankroll/skill dilemma.