View Full Version : 3/6 draw hand- warning bad beat ahead

05-27-2003, 01:01 AM
This is just for laughs and b/c I'm tired of seeing the same posts here on this forum.

I was playing some 3/6 draw online for fun. 3 handed. I'm dealt QUAD JACKS in the bb. While I'm trying to figure out how to optimize this hand, the button raises and the sb 3 bets! Good, now I can cap, they'll both call, and I'll look like a maniac when I draw one. They both call as expected.

Sb draws one. I draw one. Button draws one. Damn, I was hoping at least one had a pat hand or trips.

Sb checks. I bet, button raises. Good, he filled. Sb folds. I 3 bet, button caps? Hmm, he must have a big full. I call, he shows QUAD ACES. And he claims he didn't have quads before the draw. WTF.

It's stuff like this that makes me feel sketchy about online play. I play online all the time but these things make you want to go hmm.

It's a good thing this wasn't no limit play, or that there's no cap, otherwise I would have gone off for a lot more money.
