View Full Version : Continuation Bets

09-30-2005, 01:34 PM
In an effort to bring down my turn agression, id like to see what you guys think here.

Under which circumstances on the turn (after you have raised preflop, bet the flop) do you fire again?
Some situations to consider:
1) Ragged board, you are last to act
2) Semi-coordinated / coordinated board, you are last to act
3) Ragged board, you are first to act
4) Semi-coordinated / coordinated board, you are first to act

Also, how much of a difference does it make to your play if you have say KQ as opposed to AJ? While the less opponents there are, the more inclined you should be to bet, how much does having 2 opponents (isntead of 1) change the above situations?

09-30-2005, 01:42 PM
Under all circumstances, all you have is overcards

09-30-2005, 01:53 PM
I usually measure it by the player. In a multiway pot greater than 3 way, i tend not to fire the 2nd shell, as my chances of winning the pot right there are greatly decreased. usually go by your reads and what your opponents will call you down with.

09-30-2005, 01:57 PM
Generally if there are draws available on the board, ill fire the turn.

But if there are no draws available, I take that they are calling with some piece of the board unless they are really bad (re: people who call with 1 overcard). In which case im more inclined to check behind.

B Dids
09-30-2005, 02:10 PM
Since you asked in another post about 3/6.

A- I find that you've really gotta know the players

B- Once you do, you HAVE to bet a lot of turns, 'cause there's so many auto flop peelers.

but really- so much of this is A, just knowing when you can press and when you can't.

09-30-2005, 02:55 PM
Since you asked in another post about 3/6.

A- I find that you've really gotta know the players

B- Once you do, you HAVE to bet a lot of turns, 'cause there's so many auto flop peelers.

but really- so much of this is A, just knowing when you can press and when you can't.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is pretty much the only answer you need. Basically, you need to pick up on who is peeling most flops. There are a ton of 3/6ers who do it.

Also, be more inclinded to follow up on the turn with a hand like AJ if it can set you up to check behind on the river UI. It has much better showdown value than KQ.