View Full Version : intriguing stats

09-30-2005, 07:29 AM
i have a pet student who i met playing draw at paradise - she is a sensational draw player and wanted to get good at short handed holdem

after many lessons she was a small winner in the 5/10 6 max games at party (150,000 odd hands - she is an obsessive insomniac so she did these hands in like 4 months - and i figure that her win rate towards the end of those hands would be around 2 BB's/100 hands) and she insisted on moving up to 10/20 so more lessons...

she sent me her stats for the first 15,000 hands of 10/20 - VP$IP 26% - PFR 19% - flop and turn aggro factors of around 2 - solid numbers for defending her blinds - steal % of 35 - all pretty good in my view particularly as she started off playing short handed being too passive

but - W$WSF 44.5% - WSD 45% - W$@SD 47.5%

wow - it seems no-one bluffs this woman successfully

after 15,000 hands i figure the last 3 stats are reliable but maybe i'm wrong ? - she has good instincts and i'm guessing part of the explanation for these stats is the more common bluffing in 10/20 compared to 5/10 - needless to say i think she is calling down too much but to some extent this is a matter of style - i mean can anybody else with a VP$IP of 26 show me a W$WSF of 44.5% ??? - although she was a small loser for this set of hands i'm starting to consider to what extent these stats are bad ???

stripsqueez - chickenhawk

09-30-2005, 08:04 AM
For my first 25 k hands of 10/20 my stats were:
VP$IP 25%
pfr 18%
folded SB 80%
folded BB 60%
Att. steal 35%
Won $ WSF 49,74%
Went SD 35%
Won $ ASD 54%
With aggr. numbers of
flop 2,35
turn 2,01
river 1,55
all these with 5.2 people on average...

Do you wan´t to hear the funny part? I was breakeven during those hands, mostly due to a horrendous start, but still...

09-30-2005, 09:11 AM
One thing that is extraordinary is that her W$@SD is possibly an indication that she had a great run of cards and that maybe under normal circumstances her WTSD wouldn't be so high. These two are inextricably linked and I think the product of the two, which Jeff W called the CDSC (http://archiveserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=1319129&page=0&fpart=all &vc=1) should be in the same ballpark for everyone. For instance, MoDOH's stats above are fairly typical and his product is .35*.54=.189. Your student's is .45*.475 = .214. I think I recall several players (Peter specifically) having WTSD of around 40%, but I don't remember seeing anyone higher than that.

I really don't know what type, but I think this sample must be an aberration of some kind.


09-30-2005, 03:02 PM
My first 20K hands at 10/20 I had a
W$WSF 44% - WSD 44% - W$@SD 48.5%
So very similar to her stats. The big difference on my end was a VPIP of 32 and an incredibally good winrate. Also I tend to go to the 4 or 5 handed tables.

Ironically my stats over my last 10K hands are very similar yet I'm a small loser.