View Full Version : VERY easy party questions

09-29-2005, 02:38 AM
I'm no stranger to online poker. I've played on the poker network, various skins, for more than half a year now, but think I may have to switch over to party for better game selection as I move up in limits.

1.So I have this party account, and I observe a few games, and tried playing a play money game to get accustomed to the software, it came my turn to act, I wanted to raise, I pressed F3 and nothing happened. I pressed a plethora of keys, but could not for the life of me figure out which keyboard key corrolated with which action.

On the poker network it's simple:
F1: fold
F2: check or call
F3: bet or raise

What do I do on party and/or skins?

2.How do I know if a game is good before I join it? Do you just go by average pot size, get on the waiting list, hook up GT+ and stay if it's fishy, leave if it's a sharkpool? Poker network is easy because 1. Color-coding the players, I see 2-6 green dots on the list of players and I know it's a good game before I even join the wait list, 2. Average players per flop, much more useful stat than average pot size since it is dictated by looseness rather than agressiveness.

1.How do I use my keyboard, and what other general tips for multitabling (8-10 tables, alas I must play several skins) do you have when it comes to the party poker network?
2.What methods do you use for table selection at party?

09-29-2005, 10:17 AM
There are no keyboard shortcuts for Party. You need to look into setting up AutoHotKey. Search these forums for "+autohotkey +script" or something to get started.

09-29-2005, 09:10 PM
1 - cheers (http://www.onlinepokerfaq.com/guide/mouseless-poker.html)

2 - I do the "hook up GT+ and stay if it's fishy, leave if it's a sharkpool" thing, and I agree with you on what makes a table a good one.

09-30-2005, 08:40 AM
Thank you very much for your help.