View Full Version : Heads up (when to re-raise from the big blind)

Cactus Cactus
09-28-2005, 11:51 PM
Small blind is button and is first to act. He raises, what do you 3 bet on?? and with why type of player?? what type of flop do you pump another one on the turn. I play a lot of heads up, and this is the part of my game where I feel I don't understand what to do. So I almost never 3 bet from the BB because of my lack of understanding

Will someone help me out please?

09-29-2005, 12:09 AM
personally, i think that as a standard practice you shouldnt be 3betting from the bb liberally. its bad poker to inflate a pot out of position heads up because it ties you into seeing more showdowns and continuing on later streets. the more streets you see out of position the more equity the person in position gains.

simply put, position = implied odds, out of position = reverse implied odds.

however, you dont want to be 3betting so seldomly that it makes it easy for the opponent to put you on a small range of hands.

i think you should be 3betting hands that play well postflop like suited cards and connectors. you should be 3betting A6o+, Axs, K7s+, K9o+, 55+, QTo+, Q8s+ and other hands like 78s, etc. i think its vital to flat call A2o-A5o because your opponents need to know that you can be holding an ace even though you only called preflop.

this preset preflop strategy assumes that you dont know much about the opponent other than that he raises from the button close to every hand which seems to have become the new standard practice for all reasonable players.

as you each get to know each others play it becomes much more a game of feel than game theory advantage. against observant opponents who will pick up on your range of 3betting it of course becomes necessary to vary your play. sometimes you might see an exploitable error in your opponents play that can be maximized by 3betting more liberally or 3betting less. of course you should then adjust.

however these preflop guidelines of mine are certainly open to correction because these ideas have not been taught to me, they are simply concepts ive developed with my limited heads up experience.