View Full Version : Volleyball

09-28-2005, 03:01 AM
A friend of mine had me join their campus rec volleyball team. All the games are played for the week each wednesday night. The thing is, I'm poor at volleyball. I have good co-ordination, but dont know the tricks. Help me get skills in v-ball so I can hit some v's

09-28-2005, 03:08 AM
acknowledging the fact you are terrible is a big step, so congrats. too many people don't take the time to even attempt to get better, so they are content with being terrible and throwing the ball back and forth.

im assuming you know proper grips for bumping and setting etc. just always keep your knees bent when passing the ball.

when playing with someone who isn't as good as everyone else, there are two things that determine whether i hate having them on my team or not:

1) get all of your serves in. who cares if they aren't great. just make sure you are 100%. it is a lot easier to get mad at the worst player on the team when they muff serves.

2) do not hit the ball right back over the net every time it comes to you over the net. it sucks when the decent players do not get a chance to set and spike. just be content with passing the ball somewhere towards the middle of your side.

a corollary to this is do not try passing the ball close to the net if half the time it is going to go to far and allow the other team to spike the ball. that chaps my ass as well.

as far as getting decent? just find two or more friends and work on controlling the ball with bump passes and whatnot.

hitting around enough like that will be enough to make you competant to the point people won't be wishing you were off the team.

i love volleyball.

09-28-2005, 03:19 AM
Just get your friend and you to pass the ball around (pass is another word for bump, set etc.) After a short time of doing this you should get the hang of it, especially for rec league.

You said you have good co-ordination so the hitting will come. In a league like that, hitting is overrated. If you can keep the ball off your teams floor then the other team will do their job of hitting it out, into the net and whatever else horrible players can do.

09-28-2005, 03:23 AM
Hopefully Ice Man will reply to this thread.

09-28-2005, 03:25 AM
Hopefully Ice Man will reply to this thread.

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sounds dangerous

09-28-2005, 03:31 AM

09-28-2005, 03:32 AM
What about identifying the poor players on the other team and then constantly popping it over at them?

When spiking, do I make a fist, or a "palm strike" (hand open, fingers tucked) type grip? The latter is difficult.

What are some good ways to cheat?

Josh W
09-28-2005, 03:42 AM
When bumping, keep your arms straight. Use your legs (squat then extend) while keeping your arms more rigid...you'll have more control that way.

Square your shoulders to where you want to pass the ball. Don't 'swing' your arms to get it there.

To answer your spiking question, keep your fingers extended, but cup your palm slightly. If you make more like a fist, your knuckles will lead to unpredictability.

Reread Chuddo's advice on not pissing off teammates.


09-28-2005, 03:42 AM
palm strike.

just keep the ball in play and get your serves in to keep people from hating you.

09-28-2005, 03:44 AM

What are some good ways to cheat?

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Put spikes in the ball. HTH.

09-28-2005, 03:44 AM
Hopefully Ice Man will reply to this thread.

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It's ruined when you ask for it like this.

09-28-2005, 03:46 AM
Retard. This isn't something OOT is gonna help you get better at.

09-28-2005, 03:50 AM
Retard. This isn't something OOT is gonna help you get better at.

[/ QUOTE ]

He's a fountain of misplaced rage. Name your cliche; Mother held him too much or not enough, last picked at kickball, late night sneaky uncle, whatever. Now he's so angry that moments of levity actually cause him pain; give him headaches. Happiness, for that gentleman, hurts.

09-28-2005, 03:52 AM
as others have suggested when it comes to passing, it's essential you do not swing your arms. bend your knees, get low and get ready for the serve. i find that if you can comfortably slap the floor with your palms, you are in the right position, feet shoulder width apart. as the ball comes at you, transfer your weight and body position..weight on your toes, push up, straighten out your legs and body a little more, lift your shoulders ever so slightly and allow for a nice controlled pass. it's tough to describe with text.

i second the idea of making sure your serves get over the net 100% no matter what. who cares if you cannot jump serve? serving floaters is where it's at anyway! for now, just work on consistency.

ah yes, and when you are at the net for blocking/spiking, make sure to swing your arms. a decent arm swing helps a lot..mind you it's not EVERYTHING when it comes to reaching your max vert, but it helps.

09-28-2005, 03:55 AM
Keep your hand fully open and snap your wrist when you contact the ball..that is how you hit.

09-28-2005, 05:40 AM
I hope this is a co-ed team/league. You better be doing this for pussy.

09-28-2005, 04:56 PM
I hope this is a co-ed team/league. You better be doing this for pussy.

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Thats exactly it, actually

Aces McGee
09-28-2005, 05:01 PM
Volleyball is impossible. Just give up now.
