View Full Version : Re: Limit HE Party SNGs

09-25-2005, 11:21 PM
I usually play the 100+9 NL tournys but reciently I have been mixing some LHE sngs in with them (50+5s and 100+9s). Does anybody else play any LHE sngs at this level? They don't get started very often but I enjoy playing in them when I can. I am interested in what a sustainable ROI is for HE vs NL.

So far I'm 5/0/0/0. I think my true ROI might be a tad bit lower.

So far I havn't had any problems with playing HE and NL sngs in the same set, except for when I was heads up in 3 sngs and somebody would min raise in the sb in one of the NL tournys and I would get kinda confused. It takes a little more focus but I think mixing them together shouldnt be much of a problem.

I am also interested in exchanging HHs with other players who play LHE sngs.

09-26-2005, 05:31 PM
I only have a hundred or so at the 30/50 level from this month. the 50's take a bit longer to start - I've only watched the 100s for a bit and they never seem to start, but there are always 1-2 running so I guess they eventually do. I'm planning on playing a couple dozen more 50's and then trying the 100s out.