View Full Version : An American Military Strength or Weakness?

01-29-2002, 01:57 AM
Nobody Gets Left Behind.

I'm not sure if all branches of our military have this matto, but after seeing a biography on A&E dicussing the Black Hawk Down incident( much better than the movie)it got me wondering if this policy is a weakness or a strength?

At first I thought it might be a weakness since it gets more Americans killed. But then again, it probably helps to instill a sense of unity among solders. Anyway, I'm not sure.

[In Somalia, Aideed counted on a Black Hawk Helicopter getting downed on his turf at some point. He KNEW the U.S. doesn't leave troops behind, and that we'd send in more troops(and helicopters)to save them. He thought that if he could trap them, and kill enough enemy troops, that it might cause enough of a backlash back home that we might pack up and leave. Well, it did and we split.]

01-29-2002, 02:08 AM
strength or weakness it simply does not matter. Our forces who are serving in hostle territory are inherently taking a risk, but being abandoned to the enemy is not one of them. this is not something that can be calculated or theorized about. when every man or weoman enlists in the armed forces he or she KNOWS that they will not be disgarded like some useless tool if they are captured or wounded on the battlefield, no one deserves that fate and it is worth the effort and risk to make sure that it does not happen. it doesn't matter weather this is a weakness to be used by our foes. it is simply they way war is, not fair and maybe not even to our advantage, it just simply needs to be.