View Full Version : Opening People's responses

09-23-2005, 01:26 PM
Is there a way to make people's responses opened so I could just scroll and read them rather than have to open them individially? As is stands now, I go to a forum then click on a subject, and then everyone's comments needs to be opened individually. But one time I followed a link, I think from Paul Phillips' site and the user comments were already opened and could be easily scanned and read. Thanks for the help is this is possible.

09-23-2005, 01:28 PM
If you go to "my home", scroll down until you see preferecnes. From there, click "edit", scroll down some more and look for "display mode". Sounds like you have it set as "threaded", you need to change this to "flat" and you should be set.

There is also a button on the top right corner of the message box, next to "previous", "index" and "next" titled "threaded", if you click on it, it changes to "flat" and vice versa.

IMO, i found it easier to change the setting for good rather than have to click that button everytime.

09-23-2005, 01:32 PM
That did it. Thank you for the help.