View Full Version : chances of flopping flush

09-22-2005, 04:20 AM
Tried to search for this answer but couldn't find...What are the odds of flopping a flush with a suited hand? A friend told me it was 256 to 1. Anybody know the number?

09-22-2005, 04:39 AM
In holdem, it's
(11 C 3)/(50 C 3)


09-22-2005, 04:44 AM
The number I always knew was 0.84% or 119 to 1. But it's easily calculated.

There are 52 cards in a deck, 2 of which are in your hand. That leaves 50 cards, and 11 of your suit, left in the deck. You need to get three flop cards, each of your suit. For the first flop card, there are 11/50 choices, for the second, 10/49, for the third, 9/48. So the chances are:

(11/50)*(10/49)*(9/48) = 0.8418% = 1 in 119 times.