View Full Version : Facetious post – mostly!

05-08-2003, 12:30 AM
So your dentist doesn’t know why your tooth hurts and asks if you have an Endo. Huh? Well, let me send you to a guy I know (read golfing buddy).

The Endo gets half way thru the “procedure” and says “this tooth is too badly cracked”, do you have an Oral. Huh?

Well, let me send you to a guy I know (read tennis partner).

OK, this is the third dental pro you’ve seen and he’s an “Oral” so he can save this tooth, right?

So some chick takes your BP and says it’s a little high and are you on BP meds? Huh? Oh well, don’t worry, the doc will be here in a sec.

OK, this is gonna pinch a little, wait … wait … OK now bite on this block. Huh? Bite hard now, OK all done. Umm, doctor, there’s still some chunks left. Oh yea, crunch, slush, I think that does it.

Here, take this Vico and don’t suck on any straws for awhile. Huh? Huh?

Wait a minute, I’m playing poker and just lost 25 BB, how can that be? Huh?

Well, like I said, mostly facetious.