View Full Version : A Double Feature and a Movie Trailer

01-25-2002, 03:22 PM
A few days ago I met some friends at the mutlt-mega-plex (well, it has 26 mostly big screens) and saw “In the Bedroom”. Great flick, exceptional casting and acting, and a riveting long, slow to develop story. Four and a half stars if you like that sort of thing. I do.

After the movie my friends had to return to the poker wars and I snuck into “Black Hawk Down”. This is the first time I ever did this so please be lenient! Great action, good action and writing, inspiring, lots of heroes, somewhat tied into today’s events, apparently not PC, and so on. Five stars if you like that sort of thing. The pace of these two movies was 180 degrees opposite so it was quite an experience to see them in one day.

The movie “Black Hawk Down” prompted me to interrupt some other reading and get started on the book of the same name, which I had already gotten for Christmas. I also checked into a couple of web sites and discussion boards were the movie and the events were discussed. I’ll try to post links when/if I get a chance as the background on this story is quite interesting.

If you liked “Black Hawk Down” you might want to check out the sight for “We Were Soldiers”, coming out in March and staring Mel Gibson. This movie is based on the book “We Were Soldiers Once, and Young” that I read a few months back. After reading the book I have high hopes for the movie and the trailer looks great, especially if you have broadband and a Quicktime plugin to your browser (an easy download if you don’t). The link is posted below.

This movie will be a first for a Vietnam War movie. It is set in the early days and chronicled the first major confrontation between our newly formed Air Calvary and the North Vietnamese Army. Don’t expect dope smoking, disenchanted soldiers, massacres of civilians, or anything Oliver Stone would put into such a movie. I’m rooting for it to be the next “Braveheart” for Mel Gibson.



01-25-2002, 06:15 PM
Are you saying you paid for only one movie and attended two?

No mitigating or aggravating circumstances. I'd give you the maximum penalty allowed by law, which is having to watch The English Patient twice.

01-25-2002, 06:24 PM

Yeah I did but it was the first time plus I bought the book. Don't you think you are sentencing me to cruel and unusual punishment?



01-25-2002, 07:40 PM

01-26-2002, 02:29 AM
Rick -- Here's a very interesting site about the events in '93 in Mogadishu. I believe that is the subject of "Black Hawk Down," no? It's from a "Frontline" segment on PBS. I found it quite riveting.:


01-26-2002, 07:45 AM

He could have made you watch Yentl once!

Remember, the two critics from Sneakin into the Movies?


01-26-2002, 03:59 PM