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View Full Version : Stuck

09-18-2005, 10:00 PM
This post is mostly to put my thoughts together although feedback would be welcomed. I usally do not post on this forum but this seems like an appropriate issue.

I am a college student in canada. I am currently a business major and had made plans on graduating with a double major in either accounting/finance or accounting/human resources. I am starting to have doubts over this career path. I never really thought out my decison to go to business school i just kind of decided one day that i would go. I have to say that there were times that i did not enjoy it very much. There is a lot of suit and tie events that i never attend and there seems to be a lot of people there that i do not have much in common with. I am not much of suck up and sometimes it feels like you have to be in order to get in with the right people.

I think that accounting would provide me with a lot of job security (hard part would be going to one of these events and getting hired) and if i was to work hard i could end up making a lot of money. I have a friend whos uncle is a cma and he has told me that he is currently making $100,000+ after making partner in his firm. He has also told me that during tax season (jan-april) his uncle works insane hours (like at least 10 a day, most likely 12).

I have been thinking of other perspective feilds that i would consider entering. I have narrowed it down to education and criminology. I like education because it would give me a chance to work with kids (which i dont mind) and the hours are not bad. You also have summers/holidays off which would be a nice plus. The starting salary is not great but after a few years i would be making decent money ($50,000-$60,000 after 10 yrs or so i think).

Criminology is something that i find interesting. There are many diffrent paths within the field and there are a lot of jobs to be had. I would have to look into this field deeper in order to find out more information.

I have been thinking more and more about this lately. I dont want to make a rash decison that i would regret later so for now i am staying in business school. I dont really know how i go about making this decison. I think my parents would be supportive of whatever i chose to do so i dont see that as being a problem. I think i will stay in business school at least for the rest of the semester and hopefully i will find happiness there.

I see happiness as being a big key. All of these careers would provide me with- at least- a comftorable living so i would like to find something that i would enjoy. I would be lying if i said that $ was not at all playing a part in my decison but it is not the most impportant. With accounting/finance there is a posibilty of making a lot of $ and combined with $ money from poker it would allow me a chance at possible eraly retirement.

So there it is i feel that, if nothing else, i have my thoughts organized. I would appreciate any comments especially from those that are involved in any of the careers that i have mentioned.

