View Full Version : Here's the long and the short of it...

01-24-2002, 02:20 AM
It is considered a long shot, maybe 48-1 or something close to that number. But, some Commanders laugh in the face of all odds and will send their ugly little double suited troops into battle. Hopping to win by flopping two pair. With two pair you have the makings of chicken soup. Which as every knows can even cure the common cold. The uglier the two pair the better they fight. Because ugly is often misunderstood by the majority of Commanders leading BIG POCKET PAIRS into battle. Before the flop BIG PAIRS are raise oriented. Rarely does it occur to them that an ugly flop of peasant cards can be dangerous.

When the ugly flop hits the battle field a raising skirmish takes place. Then the BIG PAIR is caught in a cross fire between two ugly snipers. Fighting a raising battle, the BIG PAIR sends in more brave Chips, hoping to disarm the enemy with their power. The BIG PAIR raises with little hope of folding the enemy before the turn. Hoping that by some miracle the turn will slow the enemy down. The BIG PAIR Commander calls Head Quarters and they discuss their options. They try to figure out why they are facing so much fire power. Is it the dreaded Little Set? No, they would have waited to ambush them after the turn, where they could create more casualties. So it's either a maniac Commander or two snipers who have the BIG PAIR in their cross hairs. Head Quarters often suggests a check an see defensive posture after the turn.

Hoping for the calvary to show up, the BIG PAIR prays he is facing a maniac, or for the third Musketeer to show up for a Set maneuver at the river. More often than not the BIG PAIR is saved by the card they call the Forger. The Forger counterfeits the ugly two pair. Proving once again, big cards beat little cards, and winning ugly is a short term allusion.

SPM,...be careful what you wish for...

01-24-2002, 10:14 AM
Rebuilding an army to return to the field of battle soon.
