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View Full Version : My First Philosophy Essay - Any Ideas?

09-16-2005, 03:32 PM
I have to write my first essay in my intro to philosophy class and need some help deciding what to write about. This will be my first college-level writing assignment and I want
it to be as good as possible. I can base my essay only on what we've already read in class - Euthyphro, Apology, Crito(Plato's dialogues), and Philosophy for Laymen (Russel). Heres the the exact assignment from my teach:

Your paper must examine only one idea in a clear, concise manner. All papers should have a clear thesis statement and use quotes from the reading to support your argument. If you are unclear about this directive, please ask me to explain during our class.

Here is a sample topic given by my teacher:

Socrates’ presents Crito with a strong argument against following the influence of public opinion. Discuss at his argument and provide one example of a situation in which it might be best to act based on ethical rather than poll-based concerns.

So, does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for a possible topic? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

09-16-2005, 10:02 PM
The existence of the supernatural.
Do we have free will?
If a tree falls in the forest, but no one's there to hear it, did it make a sound?
Just off the top of my head. I'm not saying that these are questions that are worthwhile to study in depth, but I'm sure they'll do for an intro philosophy class.

09-17-2005, 05:32 AM
What is the purpose of philosophical enquiry and why is it, or not, of value.