View Full Version : Landrieu makes clear that partisanship trumps the truth

Broken Glass Can
09-11-2005, 03:08 PM
Her interview from this morning:

Wallace: "Was it incompetent and insulting for Mayor Ray nagin to order a mandatory evacuation, but then to leave buses -- and we have a picture of them -- hundreds of buses idle so that they could be flooded instead of using them to get people out?"

Senator Landrieu: "Well, Chris, I was there as you know through the whole ordeal with state and local officials, and was right there with Louisiana Democrats and Republicans, city council members, police chiefs, mayors, and governors. And could watch what Hayley Barbour was doing and Governor Reilly in Alabama. I am not going to level criticism at the local level. These people did ..."

Wallace: "But I'd like to answer if you could this one significant question ..."

Landrieu: "I will answer it. I'm not going to level criticism at local and state officials. Mayor Nagin and most mayors in this country have a hard time getting their people to work on a sunny day, less [sic] alone getting them out of the city in front of a hurricane. It's because this administration and administrations before them do not understand the difficulties that mayors, whether they're in Orlando, Miami, or New Orleans face. In other words, ..."

Wallace: "But but wait. Senator. Senator ..."

Landrieu: "... this administration does not believe in mass transit. They won't even get people to work on a sunny day less [sic] alone getting them out ..."

Wallace: "But Senator. Senator, there were hundreds of buses sitting in that parking lot ..."

Landrieu: "... less [sic] alone getting them out ... I'll tell you why ..."

Wallace: " ... can I just ask the question?"

Landrieu: "You can, but let me finish ...

Wallace" "Well ... well ... well there were hundreds of buses ... if I might ... here, we're looking at a picture ... there were hundreds of buses in parking lots. THe city ... It wasn't underwater before the evacuation."

Landrieu: "Those buses were underwater ..."

Walace: "They weren't underwater on Sunday ..."

Landrieu: "We had two catastrophes. We had a hurricane and then we had a levee break. When the levee broke, not only did New Orleans go underwater, but Saint Bernard went underwater, and Saint Tammany parish went underwater ..."

Wallace: "But they weren't underwater on Sunday ..."

Landrieu: "... and Plackman went underwater. And because the mayor evacuated the city, we had the best evacuation between Hayley Barbour and Kathleen Blanco of any evacuation I've sen. I'm 50 years old, I've never seen one any better."

Walace: "But there were 100,000 people left in the city."

Landrieu: "They did 100,000 people left in the city because this federal government won't support cities to evacuate people, whether it's from earthquakes, tornados, or hurricanes. That's the truth, and that will come out in the hearings."

09-11-2005, 03:16 PM
Did he post any pics of those buses?

If only we had loaded 100,000 people on to school buses and drove them to .... ah, well ... we got pictures of school buses!!!

Right here folks, pictures of school buses. FEMA is currently ordering 100,000 more school buses to deploy around the country. With the correct density of school buses, we are completely safe from any terrorist attack.

9/11 would have never happened if we only had more school buses in New York. Now, with FEMA buying every school bus it can get its hands on, there is no way a terrorist attack will have any impact on the Federal response to the aftermath.