View Full Version : Best way to make money?

09-09-2005, 11:45 AM
I currently play on Noble poker $0.25/$0.50 6-seater Limit tables and find I'm making no money.

Some days I'll win $20, then the next I'll be back down again. Most of the time however, I waver between being $2 up for the day or $2 down.

I've read SSHE and follow the advice but cant seem to consistently win. I play for about an hour each session but either loose money to the blinds (whilst waiting for decent hands) or loosing to people who get lucky. With patience I can win that money back, but that's just breaking even.

It seems that for every hand that I play very well and win a big pot on, I'll loose two average pots to someone who completes a set of the bottom pair on the river.

Any advice?

09-09-2005, 11:50 AM
You'll probably get better answers posting this in the Beginners or Micro-limit forums.

It's likely you have a ton of leaks in your game and you'll benefit from posting some hands you had a hard time with and seeing how others would have played those hands.

09-09-2005, 11:52 AM
An hour long session is too short. It's going to take you forever to build up a statistically significant sample of hands.

09-09-2005, 12:01 PM
For starters you should be posting in the micro limits forum. Secondly think you need to post some hands so everyone can give you advice on where you may be going wrong. Without this it is hard to help.

09-09-2005, 12:23 PM
Are you playing 6-max with the SSH charts? If so you might want to check out this (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=micro&Number=2536762&PHPSE SSID=&fpart=1#Post2536762) thread.

09-09-2005, 01:05 PM
Something to keep in mind. If you are playing .50/1.00, a really good win rate is 4BB/100 hands (at least it is at full tables not sure at 6max). If you play one table, you play 50 hands/hour. So if you are absolutely crushing the game that words out $2/hour. You're not going to get rich quick playing these games. Work on your game, learn to play more tables at once, and when you move up to 1/2 and 2/4 you can start making a little bit of money but it's still not going to be a ton.

09-09-2005, 01:24 PM
but either loose money to the blinds (whilst waiting for decent hands) or loosing to people who get lucky.

[/ QUOTE ]

Without hand histories, it's hard to help, but my guess would be that you might be playing too tight. (Do you find yourself waiting 2-3 rounds to play a hand?) At a 6-handed table, you'll have to loosen up a little bit. Play hands that you might normally fold at a full-table (such as KJo or KTo).

Also, be willing to fold the river if it's obvious you can't win (even if they did hit a lucky 2pair or set). That $0.50 call adds up pretty fast (to $2).

09-09-2005, 04:25 PM
I've read SSHE and follow the advice but cant seem to consistently win.

[/ QUOTE ]
How long have you been playing? It seems like you're just starting out. If so, 6-max may not be the way to go yet. It's a more aggressive game with more variance, and a lot of the concepts in SSHE simply don't apply.

To fix a statement in one of the above posts, you're not going to get rich quick playing poker. Right now you need to be playing 1) because you LOVE poker, and 2) to learn.

So this is a great time to take advantage of 2+2. Post hands that you've had trouble with. Read the other hand posts to see if you would have played them the way most 2+2ers would (this has helped me a lot). Find the forum that fits your game (short-handed, micro-limit, etc.) and dive in.