View Full Version : SARS - Chinese disease?

04-23-2003, 09:51 PM
In the press there has been some, but very little, suggestion that SARS fatalities are largely among persons of Chinese origin. A list of SARS cases by country supports such a correlation or at least does not argue against it. (China, Hong Kong, Viet Nam). Toronto Canada and the USA appear at the bottom of the list but far above other (e.g Europian) countries. I've looked but cannot identify if North American outbreaks are in Asian immigration areas. If this is true is it being suppressed in media reporting? I think it's silly and irresponsible if persons in the know are suppressing such information.

04-24-2003, 01:56 AM
I've looked but cannot identify if North American outbreaks are in Asian immigration areas. If this is true is it being suppressed in media reporting?

The SARS outbreak in Hong Kong is traced to one professor who travelled from China to Hong Kong after working on the disease. The outbreak in Toronto is also linked to one person who contracted the disease overseas and spread it to many people. I've seen this reported many times on FNC.

04-24-2003, 03:37 AM
Microbes do not have nationalities. They may originate in some geographical area but are not Chinese any more than American or French.

For an important perspective to this SARS virus please check out this site about a little flu bug that happen not so very long ago…
1918-1919 flu virus (http://health.iafrica.com/doconline/millennium/flu1918.htm)


Billy LTL
04-24-2003, 07:02 AM
If this is true is it being suppressed in media reporting? I think it's silly and irresponsible if persons in the know are suppressing such information.

Go to www.google.com (http://www.google.com)

Click on NEWS

When the page opens up do a search on the word "Sars". I don't know how big the Google database is but you might try typing in "March 14" in the search box. That's when the story broke.

Read some of the stories you'll find.

The press have been accurately reporting this story since its known outbreak six or seven weeks ago. And it was the press who put unprecedented pressure on Chinese leadership which, far too late, made them finally take action.

Don't blame the press for not giving an accurate picture just because people like you have been so wrapped up in CNN/Iraq bang-bang for the last couple of months.

By the way...if you happen to feel a bad cold coming on I'd suggest you immediately go to a doctor. It's probably just a cold but that's how this thing gets spread so quickly.

Aahhhchooo. Oops.

Sneezing is very much frowned upon in Asia these days.
