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View Full Version : Getting Back in the Game

09-06-2005, 11:44 PM
so, I've been a pretty steady online player for the past year or so. I started playing poker with $30 I'd won on a bet, and after playing some small home games for awhile had turned that $30 into $100, which I then put half of into Paradise Poker. More home game wins and some solid hours online for about 6 months eventually turned that into about $4,000, and I read everything I could about the game. At my height I was a very solid player, I played a relatively tight game, but played very agressively and occasionally had to caution myself because I was getting too LAG. For a while I cooled things down for a bit, then rebought for $100 on Paradise, which I was able to turn into a $1000 in a single day, which I then proceeded to blow at blackjack in a matter of minutes, after taking a bad beat in $1-2 no limit.

It was then I realized that I have an issue with gambling. I took a couple months off, but since then the home games I've played in I've been a losing player. (this is a very competetive home game, some extremely solid players) I rebought online and played very solid poker, but just kept bleeding cash. I wasn't getting good value on my made hands, and the plays I'd run would result in my opponents making brilliant calls. I wasn't on tilt, I wasn't making bad plays, I was just losing money. My stake only lasted a few days, and while I'm still way ahead for the past 6 months, I'm really feeling a total lack of confidence.. I used to love playing, and poker was definitely a major time committment for me. I have a great knowledge of no limit, and while right now I never feel like I want to play again, I hate the idea of walking away from something I used to be so succesful at.

Have any of you have similar spells? How did you recoup? I wish I could walk away, but I feel like I've committed myself too far. Poker has become such a big part of my life over the past year, to walk away now I would feel like I was surrenduring and giving up. Any advice or support would be appreciated.

09-07-2005, 12:01 AM
First, you need to deal with any issues in your life that can distract you from playing your "A" game. And perhaps stop playing home games, even if they seem 'competitive'. There's something about them that can sap the discipline out of ya.

Second, reread the poker books in your personal library that you feel have made an impact to get you playing well originally. Highlight key sections of each chapter if you haven't done so previously.

Third, have at least a part-time job so you don't have total pressure to win to live. In life if you are desperate for something it becomes harder to get it (jobs, girls, winning poker sessions, etc).

Fourth, buy a poker simulation program, either Wilson or Poki brand products. Go to the software forum or do a search to get links to each company and get a demo from each. Then buy the one you like best. There are cash game and tourny programs.

Fifth, practice on the programs.

Sixth, start playing again with a new slate (mentally). Just forget about the past downswing. But learn from past mistakes. Have faith in yourself.

Seven, good luck on your new beginning.