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View Full Version : Adjustments to hutchison point count system for 6-max

09-06-2005, 07:07 PM
In 6-max hold'em play, you need to loosen up some to compensate for the frequncy of the blinds, and to compensate for the more aggressive and loose tendencies of your opponents; I am assuming the same fundamental principles would apply to Omaha when it is short-handed. Is this assumption correct?

If so, can you describe how you migght loosen up? And can you describe it in terms of the hutchison point count system for Omaha high-low (http://www.homestead.com/ehutchison/OmahaSystem.html), (ie., play 18 points, raise 25 and higher), or would that be overly simpilistic to the point of being fundamentally flawed?

09-06-2005, 07:49 PM
Generally speaking, I agree. My PTO% VPIP at 6-max is 32, while full ring is 24. You gotta open it up somewhere.

For starting hands, 18/25 is decent. I've even done well going as low as 15/23 with position. Post flop at least you got most trouble hands out of the way.