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09-05-2005, 04:33 AM
Starting tomorrow (Tuesday 6th September 2005) I will be going vegetarian for at least 7 days.

I have never been a vegetarian in my life, and figure it would be a good experience, even if I only last the 7 day minimum.

For the record, I am only abstaining from meat, I will still eat eggs, honey, & milk etc.

I decided to let SMP know this in the hope that some members (David included) may like to join in me in pursuing a vegetarian path for 7 days beginning on Tuesday.

So if you are up for trying something new and wish to join me, just state so in this post and let no animal flesh pass thine lips as of Tuesday for at least 7 days.


09-05-2005, 04:38 AM
I'm going to sponsor you.
I've decided to eat twice as much meat as normal to compensate for your lack of eating meat.

09-05-2005, 05:19 AM
An homage to all the dogs that have fallen

[/ QUOTE ]

Shouldn't that be "A homage to all....." . Where is that carnivore of grammar John Cole when we need him? But perhaps this is just a matter of taste. And speaking of taste, for the next week my meals will require only two things: A cow and a chainsaw.

[i]Le Misanthrope

PS Well, perhaps I'll add a dog or two as a side dish.

09-05-2005, 08:58 AM
I am in. Tomorrow (9/6) through next Monday.

09-05-2005, 10:01 AM
I'm going to sponsor you.
I've decided to eat twice as much meat as normal to compensate for your lack of eating meat.

[/ QUOTE ]

09-20-2005, 01:31 PM
How did this work out?

09-20-2005, 01:46 PM
How did this work out?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's been two weeks now and I don't miss meat actually.

09-20-2005, 02:04 PM
It's been two weeks now and I don't miss meat actually.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hi sexdrugsmoney,

If you're planning on continuing this I'd like to mention a few things. I'm a lifetime vegetarian so I know a fair bit about nutrition.

Meat, while not particularly healthy for your body, does provide certain nutrients that aren't found in abundance in a normal western diet of white flour based products (which are basically void of minerals and most vitamins) and high sugar (which greatly increases vitamin need). Specifically, you may find B vitamins and zinc lacking from your diet.

The way to remedy this (and give your body health benefits far beyond meat) is to include whole grains and nuts in your diet. No need to go overboard, but just eat wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta occassionally, brown rice, as well as things like cashews, brazil nuts, peanut butter, etc. You don't have to be religious about it or anything, even if you replace half your white flour products with these you'll get ample nutrients. As well as secondary health benefits from the fiber and micronutrients such as molybdenum, selenium, magnesium, etc.

Also, contrary to popular belief, a vegetarian diet has ample protein, pretty much regardless of what you eat, and in the correct proportions (the idea of plant proteins being incomplete is not supported by science).

Just wanted to give you the heads up, as many people go off meat and think they can do well just eating vegetables.

09-20-2005, 02:25 PM
It's been two weeks now and I don't miss meat actually.

[/ QUOTE ] Is there any sense of self satisfaction? More so then just being able to acomplish a goal, but to the extent of feeling more humane?

09-20-2005, 07:17 PM
What is the principle that you are looking to put into practice with your diet?

If it is not to eat flesh of an animal have you also excluded fish, which many "vegetarians" happily eat?

Eggs often have embryo chickens in them which presumably class as flesh.

Is it to stop exploiting animals in which case eggs and milk should surely be on your list of excluded items? Or do you shop carefully?

I guess you are not a Christian or you would be exploiting animals as the Bible instructs you to do?

Why do you feel a need to have support from others here? Do you feel you have had a revelation and feel a need to evangallise about it?

09-20-2005, 09:09 PM
It's been two weeks now and I don't miss meat actually.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hi sexdrugsmoney,

If you're planning on continuing this I'd like to mention a few things. I'm a lifetime vegetarian so I know a fair bit about nutrition.

Meat, while not particularly healthy for your body, does provide certain nutrients that aren't found in abundance in a normal western diet of white flour based products (which are basically void of minerals and most vitamins) and high sugar (which greatly increases vitamin need). Specifically, you may find B vitamins and zinc lacking from your diet.

The way to remedy this (and give your body health benefits far beyond meat) is to include whole grains and nuts in your diet. No need to go overboard, but just eat wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta occassionally, brown rice, as well as things like cashews, brazil nuts, peanut butter, etc. You don't have to be religious about it or anything, even if you replace half your white flour products with these you'll get ample nutrients. As well as secondary health benefits from the fiber and micronutrients such as molybdenum, selenium, magnesium, etc.

Also, contrary to popular belief, a vegetarian diet has ample protein, pretty much regardless of what you eat, and in the correct proportions (the idea of plant proteins being incomplete is not supported by science).

Just wanted to give you the heads up, as many people go off meat and think they can do well just eating vegetables.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cheers I needed that advice, I'm definately going to put some of those things into my diet.


09-20-2005, 09:14 PM
It's been two weeks now and I don't miss meat actually.

[/ QUOTE ] Is there any sense of self satisfaction? More so then just being able to acomplish a goal, but to the extent of feeling more humane?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not really.

I can't explain it though, but somehow eating meat just doesn't seem pleasurable anymore, and Chicken was a favorite of mine on a daily basis.

I'm not saying "I'll never eat meat again" as I don't know what the future will bring, but I know if I ever do stop vegetarianism and eat meat again, it will most likely be only once a week or so, and not a daily basis.

But at the moment, eating animals isn't crossing my mind.

09-20-2005, 09:18 PM
What is the principle that you are looking to put into practice with your diet?

If it is not to eat flesh of an animal have you also excluded fish, which many "vegetarians" happily eat?

Eggs often have embryo chickens in them which presumably class as flesh.

Is it to stop exploiting animals in which case eggs and milk should surely be on your list of excluded items? Or do you shop carefully?

I guess you are not a Christian or you would be exploiting animals as the Bible instructs you to do?

Why do you feel a need to have support from others here? Do you feel you have had a revelation and feel a need to evangallise about it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sheer noobery.