View Full Version : Books for a good grounding?

09-03-2005, 03:23 PM
<font color="red"> WARNING, NOOB POST AHEAD. </font>

I am a fairly new player. I have played some MTTs, mostly freerolls and small buyin tournaments. I have been quite successful thus far, but I'd like some books so I don't get into horrible habits which will burn me when I start to play against competent opposition.

So to summarise, I just want some books that will cover most of the standard theory of MTT play, which will give me a decent base which I can build on. I have already been recommended Dan Harrington's books, and Doyle Brunson's Super System.

I apologise for this, as I imagine you guys get a horrifying amount of such threads. If there's an FAQ or some such that answers my question, please direct me to it and I will delete this thread.

Thanks for your help.

09-03-2005, 04:11 PM
harrington is all you need. you might want to get tournament poker for advanced players by sklansky. i personally think super system is overrated and wont really help you with tournament more with other games like stud, limit etc