View Full Version : Zeno, article of possible interest, fishing pods

Ed I
04-19-2003, 09:35 PM
The Missouri is known for free rising fish. At times during intense hatches the fish form pods of 50 or more. This is an impressive sight but can be a tough fishing situation since they are spooky. There is an article about fishing pods by George Anderson that appeared in Fly Fisherman. Its posted on his web site. I'm ignorant of how one links an article to a post but it can be accessed at yellowstoneangler.com. Some neat photos, especially one of a flight of tricos on the Missouri.

04-19-2003, 09:47 PM
Thank you Ed, I will check it out - After the Blazers beat the Mavericks, I hope.


04-19-2003, 11:45 PM
Blazers lost.

That was a long and interesting article. I grew up in the Northwest and am more use to wet fly fishing with a bit more hefty tackle. Even fished for winter-run salmon with lead-core line etc. Which is a challenge but in the opposite direction of the more delicate nature of dry fly fishing were presentation is paramount along with having the precise rod and tackle to do the job.

This type of fishing sounds very challenging and a lot of fun. I would think that a large river like the Missouri would present the extra challenge of wading close or dealing with deeper water and currents etc that may make approach and casting all the more difficult.

The beautiful photos added to this well-written article. Thanks again.
