View Full Version : Head Quarters, the brain behind Chip troops...

01-08-2002, 08:49 PM
"Where is Head Quarters located," asked the last Chip standing. "Why do you ask," replied the SPM? "I'd like to talk to the guy in charge," answered the last Chip standing. "I'm the MFIC around here," said the SPM in a salty voice. "Yes sir! I know that but someone has been giving you orders sir and whoever it is, he's getting our troops killed." "Head Quarters is near the Cerebral Hemisphere, four clicks up from the Neck and behind the two all seeing eyes." The SPM explained. "You won't make to Head Quarter alive anyway," said the SPM. "Why not sir," asked the last Chip standing. "You've got orders to report to the black jack (BJ) table for a recruiting lesson." Snapped the SPM. "I can do it sir, can you give me a lift to the nearest BJ table," requested the last Chip standing.

Unfortunately the fourth shoe of the enemy killed the last Chip sanding. Sometimes brave fighters in the Hold'em Wars get a second chance to recruit another army for their Commander's. However, this last Chip standing didn't really have a snow balls chance in hell of recruiting half a stack of troops let alone another army..

The young Chip-ster, as we knew him, was right. Head Quarters had someone at the helm giving out inferior orders. They say the brain cannot feel pain. This may be true. However, it does have access to many emotional buttons. This is way it is so important to know who the MFIC is for the day at Head Quarters. We should ignore some orders, for the health and well being of our Chip troops. These Chips are fearless and will lay down their life for even the worst of Commanders. Make sure you know who the duty officer is at Head Quarters and be sure he has his priorities straight.

SPM,...being chewed out by Head Quarters...

01-09-2002, 12:58 AM
all last chips standing should be placed in the field for maximum excitement...don't let mr snoitome crowd you either...heh

hillbilly-nice little story though, when are you going to get syndicated?

01-09-2002, 02:40 AM
I don't think I want to get involved with the syndicated? The government go after those guys in the mob. Look what happened to Big Al from Cicero.

SPM,...play long and prosper...

01-10-2002, 09:31 PM
When will you be playing at Harrah's next. i don't want to take your chips (i play 4-8 as i can't afford to play higher now), i'd think id just enjoy a face to face and i haven't played in a little while. 'twould be nice to hear a bit more depth from you than you can get on here.

01-10-2002, 11:44 PM
no, go ahead and take his chips. why i am even comtemplating going out that way to get the easy money. might as well. you want depth out of spm, you get more of that from my fishing posts. besides there is no spm, as he is a fictitional character set up for promotional purposes by harrahs. if he was real he would post a picture of himself.

01-11-2002, 09:17 AM
the cold war continues... (odds 1-1)

01-11-2002, 01:06 PM
I have met SPM, and heard floormen at the hollywood and harrah's call him by that name. i even saw him at harrah's and introduced myself as baggins and he smiled and knew who i was right away, so figured that was proof enough for me.

01-12-2002, 12:03 PM
well since you support the idea that spm is real you must be a plant from harrahs as well. plus you said he smiled. thats proof right there you are a plant and not real also. take a picture of him and post it for proof.